Teranga Tour Guide

About Teranga Tour Guide

Welcome to Teranga Tour Guide, your exceptional partner for an unforgettable exploration of Senegal. We’re much more than a travel agency, we’re your passionate guides to the cultural diversity, breathtaking landscapes and authentic experiences that Senegal has to offer.

Our mission

At Teranga Tour Guide, our mission is to create trips that go beyond expectations, combining adventure, culture and legendary Senegalese hospitality. We believe in the magic of human encounters, immersion in rich cultures, and the preservation of natural treasures.

Teranga, Our Essence

The word "Teranga" is much more than just an expression in Senegal; it's an art of living. It embodies warm hospitality, generosity and respect for others. At Teranga Tour Guide, we embrace this philosophy, placing your comfort and satisfaction at the heart of every experience we create.

Our services

Whether you're dreaming of desert safaris, cultural exploration or relaxing on pristine beaches, Teranga Tour Guide tailors each itinerary to suit your aspirations. Our experienced local guides will take you off the beaten track, sharing local anecdotes and offering an intimate insight into Senegal.

Excursion Fathala reserve

Alioune Badara Niang, nicknamed Blek


Immersed in the infinite passion inspired by Senegal’s culture and nature, Alioune Badara Niang, nicknamed Blek, founder of Teranga Tour Guide, devotes every moment to revealing his country’s hidden gems to the world. Endowed with in-depth linguistic expertise, he guides our travelers with a fluid command of English and French, creating an immersive experience where every detail and every story contributes to unveiling the richness of this exceptional destination.

With boundless dedication, Blek embodies the mission of Teranga Tour Guide, offering more than just a trip, but a true exploration of Senegal’s unsuspected treasures.